Military Relocation
Platinum’s many years of experience serving the housing needs of our Military’s men and women throughout Hampton Roads allows us to serve you best in your military relocation. Platinum’s homes are conveniently located in areas close to the region’s many military installations. Platinum’s neighborhoods are designed to promote a sense of community, allowing neighbors to meet each other, and encouraging neighborliness so that deployed service members feels confident that their families are looked after back at home. Our sales consultants regularly work with relocating military families, helping with moving, and working with our VA lenders.
Military Appreciation Program
Platinum feels an obligation, and considers it an honor to help out those who sacrifice so much to keep us safe……As an additional move-in incentive, Platinum offers all active duty military buyers $500 in options….for free, on top of any other incentives being offered.
This exciting military incentive is Platinum’s way of saying “Thank you for your service”!